Batch FAQs

I need to capture an entire website. How do I get all of the URLs?

Our Site Crawler makes it easy by automatically crawling and capturing small to medium-sized sites—up to 5,000 URLs. Preserve web content efficiently with a seamless, comprehensive capture process. Learn more about our Site Crawler by clicking here!

How do I find the direct URL to a video or audio file?

If you want to download a video from an unsupported service, you will need to find the video’s direct source URL. Every website is different in how it is coded so these methods will not work for all websites.

Right-click on the video: Some video players are encoded with an option to “copy source URL.” If you right click on the video and this is enabled, click “copy source URL” and paste into Batch for the video.

Use the Video Download Helper plugin: Video Download Helper is a Chrome plugin that finds the source URL for a video. Please see the plugin’s documentation for the latest instructions on how to use it to find source URLs.

Inspect element: In Google Chrome, you can right-click on a video (or near it) and click “inspect element.” This will bring up the source code for the page and should highlight the code for what you selected with the right-click. You may need to expand further nested code to find a source tag (it will say “src=” in front of a URL), if it’s available.

How can I tell that I have access to Batch?

The easiest way to tell if you have access to Batch is by checking if you have the button in your Portal to take you to our Batch page.

If you do not see this option and want access, or believe you should have access to this feature but don’t, please reach out to our team at

Updated on March 4, 2025
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