Managing Cookies for Page Vault Captures

Understanding Cookies: Cookies are small pieces of data stored in your browser by websites you visit. They serve various purposes, including session management, personalization, and tracking. In the context of making Page Vault captures, a cookie will record a user’s login information and whether a user already clicked out of a marketing pop-up, for example.

When capturing web pages with Page Vault through our Batch or Site Crawler features, you may need to manage cookies to ensure accurate captures.

Here’s how:

Option 1: Copying Cookies from PV10 Browser:

  1. Open the PV10 browser
  2. Visit the Web Page: Navigate to the web page you want to capture within the PV10 browser.
  3. Scroll down the page to check for any pop-ups or marketing material. Ex out of these if you do not want them included in your capture.
  4. Access Cookies: Click the settings icon in the top right corner of your browser and select “Copy Cookies.”
  5. Paste in Page Vault: Switch back to Portal and paste the cookies into the relevant text box.

Option 2: Using “Edit This Cookie” Chrome Plugin:

  1. Install the Plugin: Navigate to the Chrome Web Store and add the “Edit This Cookie” plugin to your browser.
  2. Access Cookies: Visit the web page you wish to capture and click on the “Edit This Cookie” icon in your browser toolbar.
  1. Copy Cookies: From the plugin interface, you can view and copy cookies associated with the current page.
  2. Paste in Page Vault: Open Page Vault and navigate to the capture settings. Paste the copied cookies into the designated field to replicate the browsing session.

Conclusion: Managing cookies ensures accurate and comprehensive web page captures with Page Vault. Choose the method that best suits your workflow to seamlessly transfer cookies and replicate browsing sessions for successful captures. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.

Updated on April 22, 2024
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