- Log into your Page Vault account here: https://portal.page-vault.com/
- Navigate to Batch
- Create or select a folder that you want your scheduled captures to live in
- Name the capture job
- Once you’ve selected a Folder and named the job, click on the toggle for “Schedule Capture”
- Select a start date – this represents the day that the first capture will kick off.
- Choose your capture frequency – you can have a capture kicked off daily, weekly, monthly, or a custom time.
- Select an End Date for your captures. By default, we will end scheduled captures after one year, but this is customizable.
- Lastly, enter or paste in the URLs that you want captured in this job

Once you kick off a recurring capture, the first capture will show up in your “Job History” tab. When the first capture is complete, the next scheduled capture will appear in your Job History, but the capture will not take place until the scheduled date. You may cancel the recurring capture at any point by choosing “Cancel Scheduled Job.” Each subsequent recurring capture will be stored in a sub-folder in the original parent folder.
Current Limitations for the Feature
- Social media websites and pages cannot be captured using this scheduler
- The schedule cannot identify or track changes from one capture to another
Best Practices
- Close unwanted pop-ups on the website you’re capturing
- Enter into the cookies of the website you’re capturing. This will prevent unwanted marketing pop-ups from appearing in your captures. To learn more about accessing cookies, refer to our help pages.
- What time of day do scheduled jobs start?
- All scheduled jobs are kicked off at 12:00a PST / 3:00a EST
- EX: If you schedule a monthly recurring capture starting on May 1st, the next capture will be started at 12:00a PST on June 1st.
- Does the scheduler detect changes between captures?
- No – this version of the scheduler only creates captures. It does not identify or track changes between captures.
- Is there a minimum or maximum interval between captures?
- The minimum interval is 1 day, and there is no maximum interval.
- Will I be notified when a recurring capture completes?
- Currently, you will not receive notifications when scheduled captures complete. You’ll need to check the folder to see the results.
- How are recurring captures organized?
- All captures for a recurring job are stored in the parent folder you specify, with each capture in its own dated subfolder (YYYY/MM/DD-JOB_NAME).
- Can I edit a recurring capture’s settings after it’s created?
- No, you cannot modify a recurring capture’s settings. You’ll need to cancel the current schedule and create a new one with your desired settings.